Mary Milligan
Week Orders
Allison LaGaurdia ordered three loaves of bread and Kaya Rivers ate all three loaves.

Logan Swanson burned a dozen muffins because Cleora Milligan thought she could leave him alone in the bakery for a few minutes.
Cleora Milligan
Issue No. #001
Year 1, Week 1
Welcome to WANTED!, the only blog 'round West End where we dig deep into the souls minds of these staff members. You may just learn a thing or two 'bout 'em.

This Thursday, Miss Mary Milligan was seen rummaging through Chief Swanson's saddle bag. Onlookers claimed that the mayor was acting quite suspicious, and told Swanson immediately.

Why in tarnation were you looking through Chief Swanson's saddle bag?

Oh there is no Sheriff Swanson's or Mayor McMillen's saddlebags any longer... since we are engaged now, both saddlebags can be considered //ours//.

What is your relation with Chief Logan Swanson and what do the two of you do for West End?

Sheriff Logan is more than just a partner. It has been a long way to our engagement, as we started as best friends and turned into partners, him taking the post of the Sheriff and me becoming the new Mayor of West End after my beloved father deceased. God bless his soul. It was a copperhead bite, you know? Well, where was I... ah right. The Sheriff and I, most of all and in the first place, are here for West End's safety. But not only that, we also try to bring the little town to prosper - and therefore we need to be connected to the western railway system... which is why we started the construction site. It is very difficult though, as not everyone considers this as a good idea... but believe and trust me: it is our way to become as big - or even bigger than Big Town.

Why should you be proven innocent? What character traits make you the type of person to BE proven innocent?

Innocence... well, I am righteous and the law is my brother. I follow it and know it by heart which is why I would never do anything against it. Following the law and being righteous, and listening to your good heart are character traits that make a person being proven innocent. Being honest and loyal can't hurt either.

Mayor Mary Milligan has been proven INNOCENT! She is such a kind-hearted woman with a strong, fearless personality. She never backs away from a task and is always there to help you out.
2020 © Kawaii-Lau