The Draft Horse

Standing tall and powerful, draft horses have long been cherished for their immense strength and unwavering work ethic. These gentle giants have played an important role in shaping human history, from tilling the land to hauling heavy loads. Even today, draft horses continue to impress us with their gentle nature, and undeniable beauty. Read on! The story of the draft horse is one of power and partnership.

The History of the Draft Horse

The history of the draft horse goes back centuries. Early warhorses, often bred for size and strength, laid the foundation for these powerful animals. By the Middle Ages, draft horses were employed in Europe for hauling heavy loads and pulling plows. These horses were there for agriculture, allowing farmers to cultivate larger plots of land and increase their crop yields.

The arrival of draft horses in America came with the westward expansion. Their strength was what pioneers needed in clearing land, transporting supplies, and working those vast ranches of the wild west. Draft horses stand for American agriculture, and played an important role in the nation's development.

The Defining Traits of the Draft Horse

Draft horses are instantly recognizable for their impressive size and muscular build. Standing between 15 and 18 hands (60-72 inches) at the withers and weighing upwards of 2,000 pounds, these gentle giants have a lot of power and presence. However, we decided to list more than just these two things for you:

As you can see, Draft horses are more than just work animals. They are perfect for a strong partnership with their human! If you buy one of these you are perfectly prepared for your next wild west adventures, the draft horse is sure to leave its powerful hoofprints on your future!