Who is behind it?


Mary McMillen

Name: Unknown
Birthday: 7th December
Profession: Curator
Origins: Germany

Faceclaim: Charlize Theron
Favorite Animal: Horses
Partner in Crime: Enara Harkness, Lexa Rosewood, Everleigh Van-Dyne, Bartholomew Bassingwylde, Arthur Nelson, Nash Ranger
Clan: Cowboys


"Welcome to "Who is behind it?"
Dear community.

I'm starting the new blog series "Who is Behind it?".

Everyone has asked themselves the question so far. Who is actually behind the characters? Today you can find out a little about our Mary.
Our dear Mary is the Mayor of the Wild West.
You find them everywhere. It brings life to
the page. She puts a lot of passion into her job and you can see that in the work she does on the site. Have a good read.

Question 1

Would you like to tell us a little about yourself, the person behind Mary McMillen?
What can I say! I am the founder of World of Wild West! I always loved the wild west stories, reading them as a child and watching them on tv as I grew up. I've always been a big country music fan, too. Ever since I was 7 years old I was riding horses and from my first money I bought my first horse. Now I own three! My mare Coco (Chanel), Lando and Jacky (Full name Jack Daniels). I work as a curator and I love my job, even if it is very demanding, in Nuremberg, Germany.

Question 2

Are there parallels between you and Mary?
We are both blonde - but that is about it. I come to roleplay to be someone entirely else to be honest. My sweet escape from the real world, so to say.

Question 3

How did you get your job? Have you always wanted to be a major? What do you like so much about it?
Well, I founded and created the site, so it was my right to have it, so to say. What I like so much about it is to see how people enjoy what I came up with and how the world keeps growing and developing. The interaction with the users is what makes me the happiest.

Question 4

What does the team mean to you? How long have you been in this one?
I have been on the team ever since World of Wild West was founded and I loe working with my team! Everyone is so amazing and we almost have a full team, too which makes me very proud.

Question 5

What is the strangest thing that has happened to you in the last few months?
That is a good question. I think the strangest thing that has happened to me in the last few months is when I had a bird in my office. You need to know that my office at the museum I work at is in the basement so I have a very narrow window so it was a sheer wonder that this bird found it's way inside at all - but it did! And it was harder getting it out but eventually a colleague of mine helped me to get the bird out of my office.

Question 6

What was your most embarrassing moment during school?
Oh my god, countless moments and thankfully I can't remember all of them, but I think the most embarassing one was when a boy made a graffit on the school wall with our names and a big ass heart around it. And I really didn't like him so that was very embarassing for me.

Question 7

What was your dream job “when you grow up”?
I had so, so, so, so many dream jobs to be honest. Most of them were horse related of course, I wanted to become a country singer at some point, but I had a really long phase where I wanted to be a plastic surgeon. Not to make people more pretty that already are - but to help people feel more comfortable in their skin after they had an accident for example or were born with flaws they have issues living with. But my grades weren't good enough at school in the required classes - so studying history it was!

Question 8

You are the newest addition to a crayon box, what color would you be and why?
That is a very interesting question, too. I think I would be... lilac! From the top of my head, that's what came to my mind at first. Can't say why!

Question 9

If your life were a book, what title would it have?
The perks of being a single for 10 years.

Question 10

Would you like to share something with the community?
I want to say that I love you all and that I thank you so, so, so, so, so, so SO much for your loyalty and activity you show on our site. World of Wild West really loves you and needs you to survive, so thank you for staying with us and supporting us. You are the best!
kay kodes