Howdy! Today I bring you our very own Cheif Editor of the Wild West Weekly, Alyssa Wyn! She has done, and is doing, a wonderful job writing beautiful and creative articles for us all to enjoy here on WoWW. They're full of exciting new interviews, adventures, and breathtaking moments! If you haven't seen them yet, go check them out! Before we begin, I would like to encourage all of you to apply for her team! It's pretty simple. Just go the clubs page, and click on the Author Team. There should be all the information to apply.
Now on with the interview!

How did you learn of the existence of the site?
Through Discord, I first found it on Discord when they advertised on another server.

Why did you decide to become Chief Editor of the Wild West Weekly?
After the last Chief quit, I knew the site needed a new one, and since I was already a Salmon, it was an easy choice for me.

How did you become Chief Editor of the Wild West Weekly?
I was approached whether or not I wanted it, but I also applied for it. It was between me and one other and ultimately my application was considered slightly better… Even though, from what I understand it was very close.

What is your favorite part about your job?
My favorite part is when I have Salmons in my team and seeing them grow in their writing. I love seeing all the articles they come with and reading everyone’s responses.

What is the biggest challenge in your job?
For me the biggest challenge was when I lost my Salmons, even if they left for good reasons I still miss having people in my team.

Anything you want to share with the other users of World of Wild West?
The people who work at World of Wild West are always there to help everyone, that’s what I love, the teams are all very good in working together and being there for one another and Mary McMillen is amazing. If you do want to join me as my Salmon in my team then know you’re more than welcome!

Thank you
Alyssa, for a wonderful interview! Your job sounds as amazing as ever! 


Remember that there are job openings in World of Wild West, it is a great way to help the site grow:


Asistant Instructor

Deputy (Outlaw and Pioneer)

Celebration Team



Backstory Team


Written By: Linn Williams