The Chosen Totem

= First Edition =

Greetings from nature, Mortals. My name is Louisa “Malila” Barrows, the owner of a Raccoon Totem from the Totem Bearer group. Why is my group important until I decided to tell you about it here, you may wonder? Well, in this blog post, I will explain about each possible totem that a Totem Bearer could possess. Other than the meaning of the totem, I will also provide several fun facts related to the animals. Do the actual animals have any relations with the meaning of the Totem itself? Read through and find out by yourself!

In this first edition, I will bring this lovely insect to everyone’s attention. This animal has two pairs of pretty wings with a motif which looks like several eyes. They come in various colors: yellow, blue, purple, green, black, white, just name it and you may see one with that color you choose. Again, I will remind you that this animal is an insect, and it consumes nectars from flowers. Can you guess what animal that is?


Yes, a butterfly! As a Totem, this animal guides you to be sensitive towards the world surrounding you, and especially to the beauty of life. A Butterfly Totem also reminds their owner to face any changes, especially the important ones, with grace and lightness, just like how butterflies fly from one flower to another flower. Changes are good, and Butterfly Totem shows that they are capable of handling changes elegantly.

Now, time for the real life fun facts about butterflies. Apparently, butterflies do not live very long. A few species of butterflies only live for 10 days, for example. Butterflies also fly under the daylight because daylight is the “source” of their power. When you see a butterfly resting under the sunlight, it means they are heating their wings because they need heat to be able to fly. One last fun fact, butterflies taste using their feet. Not tongue, but feet! Isn’t that awesome?

So … between the meaning of Butterfly Totem and Butterfly Fun Facts, I personally feel like the fun facts about butterflies truly show that this insect is beautiful in its own unique way. Butterflies clearly appreciate nature through its own way: using the sun to heat their wings and tasting the flowers using their feet. They clearly show the spirit of appreciating everything elegantly!

That is all for “The Chosen Totem” this time! Make sure to check out the next edition of “The Chosen Totem” for more fun facts about the totem and animal version. Nature blesses you!

This blog post is written by

Louisa Barrows