The Western Standards
Volume 2
Hello there, dear reader, and welcome to another edition of ‘The Western Standards’, where I, Albert Dallas, walk you through different things that prove to be hazardous in the West and how YOU my friend, are to evade them. So let’s get to it, shall we?

Wretched Wolves. If you’ve lived in West End and have ventured into the mountains or deep enough into the forest for some silly escapade and taste for adventure, it’s almost impossible for you to not have seen one of these beasts. ‘Wolves are basically dogs, right?’ I hear you say. Right, no. Not at all. Let’s see you spot the difference between a wolf and a dog when you become it’s supper meal.

Wolves are larger with sharper teeth and well, literally wolves. While the chances of you being attacked by wolves are very slim, there is always a possibility that cannot be eliminated. First off, you need to be vigilant of your surroundings. The woods aren’t a place to whistle and walk. Keep an eye out for any tracks, or a shadow rustling in a background waiting to strike when the chance provides.

Though lucky for you, spotting wolves is pretty easy. And good news first, that they hunt in packs, so if you see one, you’ll eventually see the others...And bad news is...They hunt in packs. Right, so, it’s a roulette you’re playing every time you find yourself in the woods. So if you ever find yourself face to face with one, here’s what you need to do…

Back off; slowly. Very slowly. Perhaps this is a way of letting the wolf establish supremacy and show that you mean no harm. Slowly, it will probably lose interest in you if you’re lucky. If the wolf is acting aggressively, put up a fight to show you’re not one to be messed with! That’s right, always remain armed, it’s a good precaution to keep in mind.

OH and obviously, before I head out, a little advice. I know freaking out would probably seem like the best option out there - but don’t freak out. You got this; I believe in you! With that, I shall see you in the next edition, and if I saved your life, do let me know in the comments. *wink wink*

Yours truly,

coded by Issie